My bike locked up at Union Station

My bike locked up at Union Station

About Me

Multimodal bike commuter.

Monday, August 22, 2011

New bike lane on Northwest Highway!

Hey fellow Northwest siders! We spend many a Sunday riding from our house in the Six Corners/Portage Park area to Edison Park to pick up our nephew up for a weekly ritual that has come to be known as "Auntie Day!" We usually pick him up, then head to the Leaning Tower Y to swim, and then to either the Edgebrook or Park Ridge Starbucks for post-swimming snacks.

We've experimented with the best, quickest, safest-seeming bike routes, but routinely come back to Northwest Highway. Northwest Highway has been under construction for much of the summer and they are finally completing most of the work--which means we will be able to cycle on a smooth newly paved road.

That enough was cause to be happy, but imagine my delight when we started to notice the road being marked up for what certainly looked like a bike lane. And lo and behold: Northwest Highway between Nagle and Devon now has a bike lane. It would be better, of course, if it were a protected lane, and/or if it ran the full length of Northwest Highway. But hey, it's a start!

Here's a photo of the work in progress:

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, can you contact me

    I am interested in adapting some of your stories for Grid Chicago, namely the one where you write a letter to Metra.
